classification of plants中文什么意思

发音:   用"classification of plants"造句
  • classification:    n. 1.选别;分等,分级;分选。 ...
  • plant:    n. 1.植物,草木 (opp. a ...
  • plants:    花草; 墨绿; 植物
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  1. It must naturally have led to a high degree of unanimity concerning an ideal system of classification of plants .
  2. Chemotaxonomy ( biochemical systematics ; biochemical taxonomy ) a system of classification of plants based on the nature of their metabolic products ( metabolites )
  3. Biodiversity of plant , plant taxonomy , classification of plant communities , the structure and function of ecosystem , health of ecosystem , restoration of vegetation
  4. In this paper , the morphology , palynology and anatomy of fifteen narcissus materials were investigated . and the results were applied to the classification of plants in narcissus l .
  5. Experimentation with cucumber disease was conducted and the results proved that chromaticity moments is simple , efficient , and effective for recognition of plant disease image , and the svm method has excellent classification and generalization ability in solving learning problem with small training set of sample , and is fit for classification of plant disease


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